There’s a good chance you’ll be using your furnace less and less as colder winter temperatures give way to warmer and sunnier summertime weather. If your home’s furnace still relies on a pilot light for ignition, then you’re probably wondering whether you should keep your pilot light on throughout the summer or extinguish it to save gas and money. The following explains some of the benefits of turning off your pilot light, along with the drawbacks and other concerns associated with such an action. Read More»
Even if you save diligently for major home repairs and upgrades, a surprise malfunction and shutdown of your heating equipment can sink your savings. Extending the life of your furnace begins with appropriate use, and reducing the load you put on the equipment cuts down on wear and tear as soon as you implement the changes. Try these five tricks to reduce your heating load and save money by putting off repairs and by using less energy on a daily basis. Read More»
If you discover your air conditioner isn’t cooling as well as it should, you should check to see if the system is frozen. A frozen air conditioner will prevent your system from functioning properly, and it may cause mechanical damage if allowed to operate in its frozen state. Fortunately, freezing within the system is not usually a serious problem and can be corrected by homeowners or by simple maintenance conducted by a professional. Read More»
Your furnace is an integral part of your comfort level in winter. A basic system is all you need to keep your family warm and cozy. However, if you would like to take things a bit further, there are some ways to upgrade your HVAC system to get additional benefits from it.
Better Filtration
Furnace filters aren’t there for your comfort. The filter keeps dust out of the moving parts of the furnace so they don’t get worn down by the grit. Read More»
If you have an electric water heater that stops providing you with the hot water that you expect, then you may be thinking of purchasing a new one. However, a professional can come and service the appliance for you so it works effectively once again. You also can complete a few troubleshooting tasks on your own. If you want to try to repair the heater on your own before calling a professional, keep reading. Read More»