Learning All About Oil Furnace Maintenance and Repairs
Air conditioners are complex appliances with many components, which is why you should have your air conditioning unit tuned up periodically by a trained HVAC technician. There is one part you can check yourself, though – even if you have no formal training in air conditioners. Your air conditioner’s fins are simple but important. Here’s how to inspect them, and what to do if you find that they’re damaged.
Your Air Conditioner’s Fins Read More»
No one said that replacing a central A/C system was a financial cakewalk. According to the latest figures from Angie’s List, it could cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 to replace your current HVAC system. So it’s no wonder that you might have considered replacing only part of your A/C, especially if one half of it failed and the other is still very much operational.
However, replacing only half of your central A/C could be a mistake in the making. Read More»
When was the last time you bought a new water heater? If you’re having trouble answering this question, then chances are you’ll need one sooner rather than later. Of course, the passage of time has introduced a new and novel way of bringing hot water to your home.
The following talks about tankless water heaters and how they stack up next to the conventional competition.
Look Ma, No Water Tank! Read More»
If your central air conditioning system isn’t working, it may be that you have a problem with a component inside your outdoor unit’s electrical area. The contactor is one of the small electrical components that lie in close proximity to one another, it is not unusual for it to fail. The good news is that the contactor is inexpensive and easily replaced if you go to websites and are a handy do-it-yourselfer. Read More»
Air conditioning units are complex appliances with many small parts that are difficult to access. As such, many of the problems that you run into with your air conditioning unit should be repaired by a professional who knows how to access and repair the problem. However, there are a few common air conditioning issues that you can repair on your own fairly easily. Here are three air conditioning problems that the average homeowner can diagnose and repair themselves. Read More»