Learning All About Oil Furnace Maintenance and Repairs
Your air conditioner should keep you cool on a typical summer day as long as your house is insulated well. When it’s extremely hot, your AC might struggle to keep up, but when your AC struggles on a day of average temperatures, something could be wrong. If your AC isn’t keeping you cool, call an air conditioning repair service for help. Here are things that could be wrong.
The Thermostat Read More»
You’re not going to be focusing much on the condition of your home’s heating system in the summer months. After all, the last thing you want to think about at the peak of the summer heat is making your interiors hotter.
Nevertheless, there are a few things you might want to do over the summer to make sure that your home’s heating system stays in good shape. The following are four things you might want to do during the summer that can help Read More»
If summer heat seems to be arriving earlier and earlier, then you might find yourself turning up the air conditioning a month or two ahead of schedule. While modern central air conditioning systems don’t require much preparation before their first use, there are a few things you should consider. Taking these three steps will help ensure that your air conditioning system can keep you cool even through a long summer. Read More»
At some point, a furnace becomes old enough that continuing to repair it is inadvisable. Contractors who install and service residential heating systems let customers know when they should start preparing for replacement. This gives homeowners a year or two to decide how to pay for the new equipment and all required labor.
When a furnace repeatedly breaks down during heating seasons even after annual maintenance has been performed, the appliance is wearing out. Read More»
Are you trying to increase the quality of the air in your home? Does anyone in your household suffer from a fever or allergies? Does it seem like the air coming out of your registers has a slight odor? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you should follow these simple steps to improve the air quality in your home. Some basic AC service can go a long way when it comes to maintaining high quality, clean air in your home. Read More»