Learning All About Oil Furnace Maintenance and Repairs

Normal Or Not? 5 AC Sounds That Should Alarm You

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Nowadays, air conditioners are more noiseless than ever. Most air conditioning units have added sound-reducing technology as well as dual-stage compressors to maintain the sound beneath sixty decibels. Therefore, whenever you hear sounds not familiar from your AC, you have to take note. Overlooking these noises can make minor problems become major ones.  The sounds can point to something from a slight tune-up to a costly repair, or worse, a replacement. Read More»

Do You Need A New AC System? 4 Sure Signs That You Need A Replacement

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A broken air conditioner in the dead of summer can be pretty frustrating. When that happens, you will need to decide whether to repair the unit or install a new one. While a repair might seem like a quick and less costly fix, it might not be the best solution in some situations. Take a look at some instances when an air conditioning replacement is the better option.  Your Air Conditioner Is More Than a Decade Old Read More»

Is A Mini-Split System A More Efficient Option For Your Home?

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If you’re installing a new air conditioning system in your home, you typically have three choices: window units, central air systems, and mini-split systems. However, if you’re looking to upgrade from window units, you’ll need to choose between a traditional central system and a ductless mini-split. Both options have advantages, but mini-split systems may be a more efficient choice for some homes. What Determines Efficiency? When it comes to air conditioning systems, efficiency can be both a simple and complex topic. Read More»

Why You Shouldn't Try To Repair Your Own AC

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Your home’s central air conditioning is a complex system, though you might think of it as fairly simple. Because of its perceived simplicity, many people decide to deal with malfunctions and system issues on their own. Unfortunately, when it comes to air conditioning repair, trying to do the work yourself can actually prove problematic. Here’s a look at a few of the reasons why you should call an air conditioning repair technician instead. Read More»

What SEER Rating Should You Pick For Your New AC?

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Installing a new air conditioner might seem like more of an exercise in spending money than saving money, but it can reduce your utility bills over time. Air conditioner manufacturers continually increase energy efficiency, allowing new units to cool your home while using less electricity. Along with system capacity, the efficiency of your new AC will be one of the most critical choices you’ll make. For whole-home central air conditioning systems, you’ll look at the unit’s SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating. Read More»