Opening up an energy bill and seeing that it is larger than usual is something that some homeowners experience when their central heating system is problematic. For example, if the system begins to cycle on and off in an abnormal manner, it can lead to a homeowner having to run it more than they usually do and cause the energy bill to increase. Any abnormal behavior from a central heating system warrants a prompt inspection to find out what the problem is. Read More»
It is rare for an air conditioner (AC) to start a fire, but it is possible under some circumstances. Below are some of the conditions that can trigger AC fire.
Poor Storage of Flammables
Some parts of the AC produce a lot of heat when the system is running. For example, the AC motor heats up during operation because it has moving parts that generate friction. The heat produced is usually manageable, but it can trigger a fire if highly flammable materials are kept near the AC. Read More»
There are many reasons to purchase an older home, but it’s also good to plan for a few extra expenses due to the age of the house. The electrical systems, in particular, may be out of date in an older home, which can pose a safety concern at worst or cost you money in energy usage at best. The following are a few signs that you have an outdated system and may need an electrical panel upgrade. Read More»
A furnace is a little like an oversized space heater in that its job is to heat up cold air and blow the warm air out to increase a room’s ambient temperature. However, a furnace is a much bigger appliance with more involved components. One of those components is the blower, a circular device with a motor inside. As the name suggests, its job is to blow the warmed air out. Read More»
If you want to remain comfortable in your home during the heat of summer, you’ll want to have an air conditioner that works well. Many locations get extremely hot during this time of the year, and you’ll want to have a cool home. However, one thing you’ll want to watch for includes warning signs that you need air conditioning repair. Knowing what some of these are may be very helpful to you. Read More»