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3 Effective Ways To Make Your Furnace Run More Efficiently

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The furnace is an important heating system for your home, particularly during the colder months. Running it, though, can get expensive. If you are hoping to save some money by making your furnace run more efficiently, be sure to take these steps. 

Regularly Change the Air Filter 

When your furnace's air filter gets too dirty, it can no longer effectively screen dirt, debris, and other particles. Your furnace is then more susceptible to working harder than it has to -- driving up your energy bills every month. A simple countermeasure involves replacing this filter when it shows visible signs of dirt and debris. 

What you'll need to do is take the filter out every month and hold it up in some natural light. If both sides are so dirty that no light passes through, it's time to find a replacement. There are many filters you can install, but sticking along the lines of saving money, you should opt for a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air). It screens contaminants through a fine mesh screen, which is important for keeping your furnace working efficiently each month. 

Install a Programmable Thermostat 

Where a lot of homeowners go wrong with their furnace efficiency is leaving it on throughout the entire day. Although you'll stay warm, you'll pay a lot more in energy bills. A better solution is to cycle the furnace on and off periodically, which can be done perfectly by a programmable thermostat.

Once you set a heating schedule for the week, the furnace will turn on and off at the appropriate intervals. For example, you can have the thermostat turn on the furnace when you're away at work and turn on when you come back home. Thanks to this thermostat's design, you never have to worry about wasted heat. 

Have System Serviced Annually 

There simply is no replacement for having your heating system serviced annually by a licensed contractor. This professional can inspect integral components of your furnace, making sure they're structurally sound and working at an efficient rate.

These heating contractors can also recommend ways to improve your furnace's efficiency that you may not have thought of before. This might include replacing damaged weatherstrips below your doors and windows, or substituting your old furnace with a newer, more efficient heating system. 

During the winter, you'll have to rely on your furnace at some point. You don't have to spend a fortune doing so, however, if you take proactive steps of improving its efficiency. You could end up saving thousands over the years. 
